Mois : novembre 2013

SAM SEP : application mobile pour les patients atteints de Sclérose en plaques

SAM SEP : application mobile pour les patients atteints de Sclérose en plaques Une nouvelle application mobile destinée aux patients atteints de  Sclérose en plaques a été lancée par le laboratoire Merck Serono : SAM SEP. Cette application se présente comme un journal personnel dédié permettant au patient d’enregistrer les symptômes qu’il perçoit (douleurs, troubles de la vision, fatigue…), et la gêne ressentie. Elle permet d’actualiser régulièrement son journal, et générer divers rapports pour préparer au mieux la consultation avec son médecin ou son infirmière.Plusieurs fonctionnalités pour évaluer les symptômes de sa sclérose en plaques sont mises à disposition : (...)

Jack Osbourne’s BBC Lifeline Appeal for the MS Society

Jack Osbourne's BBC Lifeline Appeal for the MS Society TV Personality Jack Osbourne presents an appeal on behalf of the Multiple Sclerosis Society, the leading UK charity providing vital support for the thousands of people living with MS, as well as their family and carers. Jack talks from the heart about being diagnosed with MS just over a year ago and the impact it’s had on his family. (suite…)

Jack Osbourne’s BBC Lifeline Appeal for the MS Society

Jack Osbourne's BBC Lifeline Appeal for the MS Society TV Personality Jack Osbourne presents an appeal on behalf of the Multiple Sclerosis Society, the leading UK charity providing vital support for the thousands of people living with MS, as well as their family and carers. Jack talks from the heart about being diagnosed with MS just over a year ago and the impact it’s had on his family.The film also features Lynsey, who looks after her four year old daughter whilst also coping with MS. Some relapses can leave her barely able to move. Living with MS can put a (...)
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